Container Boxes are made for rapid cooling and freezing storage..
Insulated boxes are mounted into special metal frames which are made according to standard system ISO.
Boxes are equipped with a block cooling unit from Zanotti. Each container including cooling unit is assembled and carefully checked in our factory before delivery to customers. Zanotti offers worldwide service.
After delivery, containers to be connected to a power supply by plug-in system only. Easy transfer, no assembly or building license required, and constant readiness for operation, are further features.
During transportation, containers do not exceed in size any part of the container box frame. The container roof is covered by a trapezial metal plate
We are ready to offer you containers up to 8m length or with lower height (h= 2,6m)
Configurations of container sets up to a final cooling space of 1000 m3 with different storage temperatures are possible.
HORAK Brothers Company offers you two basic types:
- Chiller container type CHK 30
- Freezer container type MK 27
Instalations of Containers:
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- 06
- 07