Industry and Testing
Not only our products, but also our know-how for customer application development find wide application in the industry. Especially in such operations, where there is a need to ensure a controlled temperature drop or to maintain low temperatures. The spectrum of applications is wide and constantly growing. If your needs fall within this area, please contact us with your unique assignment.
Further needs are in the area of testing, where a given function is tested at different temperature levels.
Selected references:
Bundespost, Berlin (DE) – boxes for transmitter technology
Aero Vodochody – freezing of Al sheet
Česká rafinérská – testing box
Art Film – refrigeration boxes for films
Typografia – sheathing for a control room of the printing company
ČT Praha – film racking systems
VÚMV Praha – testing box
Ingersoll-Rand Praha – testing boxes
Wikov MGI, Hronov – testing box for -40 °C
ČVUT-UCEEB, Buštěhrad – testing chambers